About Up The Garden Bath
Up The Garden Bath is an award-winning Cambridgeshire based community project that is committed to supporting local community initiatives and driving environmental improvement through our unique recycling projects.
Our mission is to make a positive impact on the environment by repurposing redundant items.
Our project works in close partnership with local businesses to reduce waste in the most creative of ways.
Old bathtubs and other unwanted materials, that would usually end up in landfill, are upcycled into creative, ready-made garden planters and accessories.
The finished pieces are sponsored by local businesses and are installed into schools, community centres, and residential care homes.
Created by the community for the community, our planters are used to educate people about the importance of recycling, organic farming, sustainability, and wildlife preservation. We also promote the idea of self-sufficiency and healthy living which is so important for our mental and physical wellbeing.
Although the project was only formed in February 2020 our community project has installed over 60 of our unique upcycled bathtubs across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire.
We have delivered our fun interactive workshops to over 15,000 people of various ages and helped people connect with nature and grow (no pun intended).
But it’s not just about inspiring an eco-friendlier way of life. Up The Garden Bath works alongside local organisations to create hands-on learning opportunities for many individuals, otherwise struggling with mainstream employment, by getting them involved in the building process.
Up The Garden Bath is committed to educating future generations, fighting food poverty, recycling, creating opportunities, empowering, promoting health & wellbeing and environmental improvement.
We also work with local communities to create community gardens and regenerate run down unkempt areas & fly tipping hotspots into pop up pollinator parks designed to encourage and enhance inner city wildlife. These community based projects encourage social cohesion and encourage communities to take pride in their area.
Our mission is to reduce landfill whilst promoting recycling, sustainability and healthy living through gardening.
Gardening has been proven to be beneficial to mental and physical wellbeing and we aim to make gardening accessible to everyone regardless of their demographic or physical abilities.
You don't need expensive plant pots or big fancy green houses to get growing. Literally anything and everything can be repurposed in some you just have to have a little bit of imagination and give it a grow!!!!