Marketing for charities: Session1 - 101 Marketing Strategy

Marketing for charities: Session1 - 101 Marketing Strategy

Training · 17 Apr 2024, 13:00 - 14:30
Flexible location
3 Good health and well-being8 Decent work and economic growth9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

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Session 1: 101 Marketing Strategy for Charities. Online training : if you're just starting with marketing or if you need all your marketing efforts realigned

Detailed description

Session 1: 101 Marketing Strategy for Charities

- Intentional and effective marketing = creating your marketing roadmap

- Clarity = You, your WHY, mission, vision, purpose and how to communicate it

- Getting to know your audience (who are your "customers", who is the beneficiary vs who is the decision maker) and understand their customer/buyer/awareness journey

- Connecting the dots - how different marketing tactics fit together and why you should start by thinking about the big picture first

- Setting up meaningful goals, understanding metrics and taking informed action

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Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service (PCVS) is a registered charity that supports the voluntary sector in Peterborough. On Go-Vip you can find volunteers and volunteering opportunities!