Marketing for charities: Session 2 - Content plan

Marketing for charities: Session 2 - Content plan

Training · 15 May 2024, 13:00 - 14:30
Flexible location
3 Good health and well-being8 Decent work and economic growth9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
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Session 2: Plan your content for maximum impact.

Detailed description

Session 2: Content planning

- How to create a simple yet effective content plan for years to come (and take aligned action fast)

- Content pillars (cornerstone content to truly showcase your organisation and build a strong awareness)

- Create the right content for your ideal audience AND for different stages of their customer journey

- Staying on brand, tone of voice, consistency of messaging, storytelling

- Creating long-form content (is podcast, film, video, blogging, email newsletters, etc. the right choice for your organisation?)

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Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service (PCVS) is a registered charity that supports the voluntary sector in Peterborough. On Go-Vip you can find volunteers and volunteering opportunities!