DBS: Disclosure and Barring service
Training · 6 Jun 2024, 10:30 - 14:30
Allia Future Business Centre, London Rd, Peterborough PE2 8AN, UK

Contact person
Clare BarhamAsk Clare a question
Go-Vip (PCVS)
Scan me or visit www.go-vip.co.uk/o/PCVS/activities/DBS-Disclosure-and-Baring-service/80614 to join
Scan me or visit www.go-vip.co.uk/o/PCVS/activities/DBS-Disclosure-and-Baring-service/80614 to join
This is for anyone in an organisation that may provide regulated activity and wants to improve their knowledge of DBS checks/refresh their knowledge.Detailed description
Learn under what circumstances you need each type of DBS, the advantage of the update system. Be sure of your legal responsibilities and get clarity on this complicated topic made simple.
Please note this event will not proceed if sign up numbers are below 20 as this is a required number of attendees for free training services.
About Go-Vip (PCVS)
Peterborough Council for Voluntary Service (PCVS) is a registered charity that supports the voluntary sector in Peterborough. On Go-Vip you can find volunteers and volunteering opportunities!